ISO 7101 is the first international consensus standard for healthcare quality management. It prescribes requirements for a systematic approach to sustainable, high quality health systems, enabling organizations of any scale, structure, or region to: create a culture of quality starting with strong top management; embrace a healthcare system based on people-centred care, respect, compassion, co-production, equity and dignity; identify and address risks; ensure patient and workforce safety and wellbeing; control service delivery through documented processes and documented information; monitor and evaluate clinical and non-clinical performance; continually improve its processes and results.

  • Code CYS ISO 7101:2023
  • Title Healthcare organization management - Management systems for quality in healthcare organizations - Requirements
  • ICS Code 03.100.70 Management systems
  • Status Published
  • Publication Date 26.01.2024
  • Technical Committee ISO/TC 304
  • Work Item Number CYSISO7101:2023