Aerospace series - LOTAR - LOng Term Archiving and Retrieval of digital technical product documentation such as 3D, CAD and PDM data - Part 125: Explicit CAD assembly structure with Graphic Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI)
1.1 Introduction
This document defines the requirements for the long-term digital preservation of the presentation of Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) with their possible links to the 3D explicit shape and geometry of CAD assembly structure. The goal is to preserve this 3D information, without loss, with respect to the geometry produced by the original CAD system, following the principles laid down in EN 9300 003 “Fundamentals and Concepts”.
This will allow the retrieval of the assembly structure including the placement information.
This standard extends EN 9300-115 “Explicit CAD Assembly Structure” by including assembly level PMI.
PMI for the assembly structure can be recorded in the same file as the geometry, can be in a nested assembly structure or the PMI will be contained in its own separate file (Side-Car).
The PMI elements shall be presented on the graphic level only (i.e. polyline, tessellated).
1.2 Out of scope
The following is outside the scope:
- The archiving of assembly Form Features.
- Semantic PMI representation is out of scope for this document.
- The geometry defined at assembly level is out of scope for this document.
(This document covers PMI at the assembly level only.)
CYS EN 9300-125:2023
1.1 Introduction
This document defines the requirements for the long-term digital preservation of the presentation of Product and Manufacturing Information (PMI) with their possible links to the 3D explicit shape and geometry of CAD assembly structure. The goal is to preserve this 3D information, without loss, with respect to the geometry produced by the original CAD system, following the principles laid down in EN 9300 003 “Fundamentals and Concepts”.
This will allow the retrieval of the assembly structure including the placement information.
This standard extends EN 9300-115 “Explicit CAD Assembly Structure” by including assembly level PMI.
PMI for the assembly structure can be recorded in the same file as the geometry, can be in a nested assembly structure or the PMI will be contained in its own separate file (Side-Car).
The PMI elements shall be presented on the graphic level only (i.e. polyline, tessellated).
1.2 Out of scope
The following is outside the scope:
- The archiving of assembly Form Features.
- Semantic PMI representation is out of scope for this document.
- The geometry defined at assembly level is out of scope for this document.
(This document covers PMI at the assembly level only.)