Geographic information - Classification systems - Part 2: Land Cover Meta Language (LCML) (ISO 19144-2:2023)
This document specifies a Land Cover Meta Language (LCML) expressed as a UML metamodel that allows different Land Cover classification systems to be described based on physiognomic aspects. This document recognizes that a number of Land Cover classification systems exist. It provides a common reference structure for the comparison and integration of data for any generic Land Cover classification system, but does not intend to replace those classification systems.
CYS EN ISO 19144-2:2023
This document specifies a Land Cover Meta Language (LCML) expressed as a UML metamodel that allows different Land Cover classification systems to be described based on physiognomic aspects. This document recognizes that a number of Land Cover classification systems exist. It provides a common reference structure for the comparison and integration of data for any generic Land Cover classification system, but does not intend to replace those classification systems.