Spectator facilities - Part 4: Seats - Product characteristics
This European Standard specifies the mechanical, physical and chemical product characteristics of fixed seating used in sports venues (indoor and outdoor) in the spectator viewing area (S.V.A.). It also specifies the criteria for fixing the seating to the structure. These characteristics and criteria are determined in order to assure an adequate resistance to static and dynamic stresses and to atmospheric agents. This European Standard specifies comfort, functionality and safety requirements to prevent serious injury through normal functional use, as well as misuse that might reasonably be excepted to occur. This European Standard does not include any fire behaviour or resistance requirements.
CYS EN 13200-4:2006
This European Standard specifies the mechanical, physical and chemical product characteristics of fixed seating used in sports venues (indoor and outdoor) in the spectator viewing area (S.V.A.). It also specifies the criteria for fixing the seating to the structure. These characteristics and criteria are determined in order to assure an adequate resistance to static and dynamic stresses and to atmospheric agents. This European Standard specifies comfort, functionality and safety requirements to prevent serious injury through normal functional use, as well as misuse that might reasonably be excepted to occur. This European Standard does not include any fire behaviour or resistance requirements.