Ultrasonics - Hydrophones - Part 1: Measurement and characterization of medical ultrasonic fields (IEC 62127-1:2022)
This part of IEC 62127 specifies methods of use of calibrated hydrophones for the
measurement in liquids of acoustic fields generated by ultrasonic medical equipment including
bandwidth criteria and calibration frequency range requirements in dependence on the spectral
content of the fields to be characterized.
This document:
– defines a group of acoustic parameters that can be measured on a physically sound basis;
– defines a second group of parameters that can be derived under certain assumptions from
these measurements, and called derived intensity parameters;
– defines a measurement procedure that can be used for the determination of acoustic
pressure parameters;
– defines the conditions under which the measurements of acoustic parameters can be made
using calibrated hydrophones;
– defines procedures for correcting for limitations caused by the use of hydrophones with
finite bandwidth and finite active element size, and for estimating the corresponding
CYS EN IEC 62127-1:2022
This part of IEC 62127 specifies methods of use of calibrated hydrophones for the
measurement in liquids of acoustic fields generated by ultrasonic medical equipment including
bandwidth criteria and calibration frequency range requirements in dependence on the spectral
content of the fields to be characterized.
This document:
– defines a group of acoustic parameters that can be measured on a physically sound basis;
– defines a second group of parameters that can be derived under certain assumptions from
these measurements, and called derived intensity parameters;
– defines a measurement procedure that can be used for the determination of acoustic
pressure parameters;
– defines the conditions under which the measurements of acoustic parameters can be made
using calibrated hydrophones;
– defines procedures for correcting for limitations caused by the use of hydrophones with
finite bandwidth and finite active element size, and for estimating the corresponding